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A+ Family Urgent Care – Tampa FL

STD Testing

STD testing

For most people, it’s surprising to learn that Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) in the United States are on the rise. In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that reported cases of three STD’s: Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis had reached an all-time high. Rates of gonorrhea rose by 67 percent, syphilis by 76 percent, and chlamydia by 21 percent, to a total of almost 2.3 million cases nationwide.

Despite advances in healthcare, increased patient awareness of safe sex practices and access to information, STD’s are still something that we struggle with.

So for any sexually active adult male or female, getting tested for STD’s is an important part of staying healthy. And thankfully, it’s easier than ever before to get done. It’s not just GP’s or sexual health clinics that offer testing. An Urgent Care Center is a great alternative.

The benefits of getting tested at an urgent care center

Urgent care centers provide quick, easy and professional services to assist with the testing, diagnosis and treatment of STD’s. Other benefits of using an urgent care center:

  • No appointment is required
  • Patients can walk in, get tested, receive results and get prescribed treatment all in the same location
  • Privacy and confidentiality is assured
  • Testing for all major STD’s is provided

Who should get tested?

Anyone adult that is sexually active should get tested for STD’s on a regular basis. Even if you don’t have symptoms, routine STD testing is mandatory for good health. However, STD testing is particularly important if:

  • You’re in a new relationship with a new partner
  • You’re sexually active but not in a mutually monogamous relationship
  • You exhibit any symptoms of an STD such as: genital itching, rashes in the genital area or abnormal discharge

Women and STD testing

Women are particularly susceptible to long term complications of STD’s. An untreated or undiagnosed STD’s can lead to serious problems with fertility in the future. An STD is an infection of the genital tract. Left untreated, the infection may spread to pelvic organs and begin to affect sensitive structures like the fallopian tubes. Chlamydia and gonorrhea often lurk without symptoms, even as they are doing damage to the reproductive system.

What does STD testing involve?

A+ Family Urgent Care has knowledgeable medical professionals who will answer all your questions and carry out exams (and laboratory testing) in a compassionate and confidential manner.

After taking a brief history and carrying out an examination, the provider may need to carry out tests such as:

  • A urine test
  • A blood test
  • Genital swab test


Treatment for an STD will vary depending on what the test results show. However, this usually involves antibiotics. Providers at the urgent care center are also able to provide you with a prescription.

The takeaway message is that all sexually active adults should be tested for STD’s on a routine or semi-routine basis. The absence of symptoms is not a reliable predictor of who may or may not have an STD. Get tested!


1) New York Times. S.T.D. Diagnoses Reach Record 2.3 Million New Cases in U.S.


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